mardi 21 décembre 2010


Wrapped Walk Ways, Project for
Loose Park, Kansas City, Missouri.
Collage 1978: 71,1 X 55,9 cm. (28" X 22")
Pencil, charcoal, pastel, photograph by Wolfgang Volz.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1978 Christo
Wrapped Walk Ways, Project for
Loose Park, Kansas City, Missouri.
Collage 1978 in two parts
71 X 28 cm. and 71 X 56 cm
(28" X 11" and 28" X 22")
Pencil, charcoal, pastel, fabric, photograph by
Wolfgang Volz, wax craylon and map..
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1978 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Walk Ways, Loose Park,
Kansas City, Missouri. 1977-78
Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1978 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Walk Ways, Loose Park,
Kansas City, Missouri. 1977-78
Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1978 Christo

Surrounded Islands, Project for
Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida

Drawing 1981 In two parts:
165 X 106,6 cm and 165 X 38 cm
(65" X 42" and 65" X 15")
Pencil, passtel, charcoal, wax crayon, enamel paint
and aerial photographs.
ref #: 3
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1981 Christo

Surrounded Islands, Project for
Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida

Drawing 1982 In two parts:
38 X 165 cm and 106,6 X 165 cm
(15" X 65" and 42" X 65")
Pencil, passtel, charcoal, wax crayon, enamel paint
and photographs.
ref #: 6
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1982 Christo
Surrounded Islands, Project for
Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida

Drawing 1982 In two parts:
38 X 244 cm and 106,6 X 244 cm
(15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
charcoal, pastel, wax crayon, enamel paint
aerial photograph and fabric sample.
ref #: 36
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1982 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Surrounded Islands, Miami, Florida 1980-83

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1983 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Surrounded Islands, Miami, Florida 1980-83

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1983 Christo

The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Project for Paris

Drawing 1985, in two parts.
38 X 165 cm and 106,6 X 165 cm
(15" X 65" and 42" X 65")
Pencil, charcoal, wax crayon, map
and fabric sample.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1985 Christo ref# 50

The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Project for Paris

Drawing 1985, in two parts.
38 X 244 cm and 106,6 X 244 cm (15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
Pencil, charcoal, wax crayon, pastel, fabric sample,
aerial photograph and technical data.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1985 Christo ref# 54

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris 1975-85

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1985 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris 1975-85

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1985 Christo

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Collage 1987. In two parts: 30,5 X 77,5 cm,
and 66,7 X 77,5 cm (12 x 30-1/2" X 26-1/4 x 30-1/2")
Pencil, charcoal, wax crayon, pastel, fabric, pastel and map.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz, ©1987 Christo ref#: 25

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Collage 1988. In two parts: 66,7 X 77,5 cm,
and 66,7 X 30,5 cm (26-1/4" X 30-1/2" and 26-1/4" X 12")
Pencil, fabric, charcoal, pastel, wax crayon, enamel paint,
and topographic map.
Photo: Christian Baur, ©1988 Christo ref#: 104

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Collage 1991. In two parts: 30,5 X 77,5 cm, and
66,7 X 77,5 cm (12" X 30-1/2" and 26-3/4" X 30-1/2")
Pencil, fabric, pastel, charcoal, wax crayon, enamel paint,
aerial topographic map, technical data and fabric sample.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz, ©1991 Christo ref#: 201

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Collage 1990. In two parts: 66,7 X 30,5 cm,
and 66,7 X 77,5 cm (26-1/4" X 12" and 26-1/4" X 30-1/2")
Pencil, fabric, charcoal, wax crayon,
enamel paint, and topographic map.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz, ©1990 Christo ref#: 165

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Drawing 1990. In two parts: 38 X 244 cm, and 106,6 X 244 cm
(15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
Pencil, wax crayon, photograph by Wolfgang Volz, pastel, charcoal, enamel paint,
aerial photograph, technical data and fabric sample.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz, ©1990 Christo ref#: 85

The Umbrellas, Joint Project for Japan and USA

Drawing 1989. In two parts: 38 X 244 cm, and 106,6 X 244 cm
(15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
Pencil, pastel, charcoal, photograph by Wolfgang Volz, wax crayon, enamel paint,
and topographic map.
Photo: Wolfgang Volz, ©1989 Christo ref#: 48

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1991 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1991 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1991 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1991 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1991 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Umbrellas, Japan - USA, 1984-91

Wrapped Reichstag, Project for Berlin

Drawing 1987 in two parts:
38 X 244 cm. and 106,6 X 244 cm.
(15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
Pencil, pastel, charcoal, wax crayon and map. ref #: 34
Photo: Eeva-Inkeri ©1987 Christo

Wrapped Reichstag, Project for Berlin

Drawing 1995 in two parts:
38 X 244 cm. and 106,6 X 244 cm.
(15" X 96" and 42" X 96")
Pencil, pastel, charcoal, wax crayon, technical data,
aerial map and fabric sample. ref #: 70
Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1995 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-95

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1995 Christo

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-95

Photo: Wolfgang Volz
©1995 Christo